RDS network

The RDS package

This is an R package for carrying out estimation with data collected using Respondent-Driven Sampling. This includes Heckathorn’s RDS-I and RDS-II estimators as well as Gile’s Sequential Sampling estimator.

The package is part of the “RDS Analyst” suite of packages for the analysis of respondent-driven sampling data.

The package was developed by the Hard-to-Reach Population Methods Research Group (HPMRG).

See Gile and Handcock (2010) doi:10.1111/j.1467-9531.2010.01223.x and Gile and Handcock (2015) doi:10.1111/rssa.12091.

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The package is available on CRAN and can be installed using



Load package and example data


fauxmadrona is a simulated RDS data set with no seed dependency, which is used to demonstrate RDS estimators. It has the format of an rds.data.frame and is a sample of size 500 with 10 seeds and 2 coupons from a population of size 1000. For the purpose of this example, we will assume the population size is unknown and our goal is to estimate it.

We can make a quick visualization of the recruitment chains, where the size of the node is proportional to the reported degree and the color represents separate chains.


The RDS.SS.estimates function

This function computes the sequential sampling (SS) prevalence estimates for a categorical variable or numeric variable. The confidence intervals are computed using a bootstrap procedure.

Here are the results for disease prevalence:

## Gile's SS Estimate for disease 
##         Estimate         95% Interval Design Effect Std. Error     N
## disease   0.1946 (  0.1676,   0.2216)          1.21     0.0138   500
##                                                          Total   500
## * Using population size estimate: 1000

Other primary functions

These are the primary functions that users will call. They are detailed in the manual with example R code.

  • bottleneck.plot: This function creates a bottleneck plot to help diagnose convergence for RDS estimators.
  • convergence.plot: This function creates diagnostic convergence plots for RDS estimators.
  • cumulative.estimate: Calculates estimates at each successive wave of the sampling process
  • differential.activity.estimates: Computes the Differential Activity between groups
  • homophily.estimates: This function computes an estimate of the population homophily and the recruitment homophily based on a categorical variable.`
  • LRT.trend.test: Compute a test of trend in prevalences based on a likelihood-ratio statistic
  • MA.estimates: This function computes the sequential sampling (MA) estimates for a categorical variable or numeric variable.
  • plot.rds.data.frame: Diagnostic plots for the RDS recruitment process
  • RDS.bootstrap.intervals: This function computes an interval estimate for one or more categorical variables. It optionally uses attributes of the RDS data set to determine the type of estimator and type of uncertainty estimate to use.
  • RDS.compare.proportions: Compares the rates of two variables against one another`: This function computes an interval estimate for one or more categorical variables. It optionally uses attributes of the RDS data set to determine the type of estimator and type of uncertainty estimate to use.
  • RDS.HCG.estimates: Prevalence estimates based on Fellows’ Homophily Configuration Graph model
  • RDS.I.estimates: Prevalence estimates based on the RDS-I type estimates for a categorical variable. It is also referred to as the Salganik-Heckathorn estimator.
  • RDS.II.estimates: Prevalence estimates based on the RDS-II type estimates for a categorical variable. It is also referred to as the Salganik-Heckathorn estimator.
  • RDS.SS.estimates: Prevalence estimates based on the sequential sampling (SS) model for a categorical or numerical variable. It is also referred to as the Gile estimator.

See the following papers for more information and examples:

Statistical Methodology


A good tutorial on the use of our package, including example data and R code is: